We found a terrible discovery, it was just a shock, about 2 months in the apartment...

August 2016 - Italy. The police were called to a villa when neighbors reported unpleasant odors (stench) coming from the residence. The police were met by an elderly woman in obvious confusion, whose clothes and appearance, not to mention her personal hygiene, indicated that she was in a very poor state.

The woman claimed that her husband was resting inside the house. Alarmed by the unpleasant odor coming from the house, the police went inside. The house was in complete disrepair, with extremely poor sanitary and hygienic conditions, several boxes of various medications, piles of garbage, and many dead insects and flies scattered everywhere.

Dried biological traces were present in all rooms, on the furniture, as well as on the floor and walls. It was obvious that nothing had been cleaned for a very long time.

On the ground floor of the house, the police found the mummified and partially skeletonized body of an elderly man in an advanced state of decomposition. The body was found sitting on a chair, wearing torn clothes, stained with traces of dried bodily fluids. The body was infested with entomological substances (pupae, dead flies...).

Police interviewed neighbors and a medical doctor about the woman's behavior and possible signs of mental illness. However, nothing significant came to light. The couple was extremely reserved and did not spend time with other people. The last time the man was seen was about two months before.

At the autopsy, the corpse weighed very little - approximately 9 kg (19.8 lbs). The external examination of the body revealed dried and brittle skin remains, which were present on the face, part of the chest and abdomen, as well as on the upper and lower extremities. The rest of the body was skeletalized.

There were signs of insect activity consistent with rapid dehydration of the skin. During the autopsy, the internal organs and viscera could not be identified.
In addition, no traumatic injuries were observed, judging also from the X-rays.

Given the very poor condition of the body and the absence of evidence of trauma, the cause of death was not determined, but was likely due to natural causes. Historical records were searched to estimate the time since death.

The integration between the circumstantial and tanatological data recorded during the autopsy, even taking into account the inherent limitations related to the state of preservation of the body, indicated that the death occurred at least two months before the day the body was discovered.


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