New Jersey daycare worker commits tragedy with daughters

On May 24, 2024, 27-year-old Naomi Elkins, a mother of two toddlers (1 and 3 years old), returned home with her daughters after working in a kindergarten. She was haunted by disturbing thoughts because her husband had left for a business trip a month earlier. Unable to find peace, she spent the night in prayer.

The next day, when she was returning from daycare, her anxiety grew worse. Naomi decided that she needed to get rid of her children “in the name of religion.”

She stabbed one of her daughters with a knife and then placed her in the bathtub, where she drowned her.

The other daughter, terrified by what had happened, tried to escape, but her mother caught her and drowned her as well. After that, Naomi realized that she had committed a terrible act and decided to turn herself in to the police.

The woman had previously been treated in a psychiatric facility.


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